"How Far Would You Go," the Newest Single from The Rembrandts Out Now!

    "How Far Would You Go," the newest single from the beloved Rembrandts, is out today! Click Here to listen to the new song!

    [video width="1920" height="1080" mp4="https://www.blueelan.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/media.io_flan-club_updated.mp4" poster="https://www.blueelan.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/rembrandts_featured.jpg"][/video] "Our m.o. is to only put out things that have a timeless kind of quality to it, that isn't going to be time-stamped in some era," Solem says. "And, so far, our records have done pretty well with that." That streak remains unbroken on Via Satellite, the first Rembrandts studio album in 18 years. The meticulous, guitar-driven songs explore every nook and cranny of the pop continuum. "How Far Would You Go" is jangly rock singed lightly with '60s psychedelic atmosphere. Click to listen! You can follow The Rembrandts on our website or www.therembrandts.com.
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