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    A Celebration of Women's History Month

    Women’s History Month initially started as Women’s History Week in 1980 by former President Jimmy Carter. “Too often the women were unsung and sometimes their contributions went unnoticed,” President Jimmy Carter declared. One way the former president's words came to the forefront was by highlighting March 2–8 as a week where others could celebrate women’s contributions and accomplishments in mainstream culture.  By 1986, that week turned into a month in fourteen states, and by 1987 Congress declared March as the National Women’s History Month to honor all women’s extraordinary achievements. Here at Blue Élan Records, we would like to celebrate all women at the label, all women who work at the label, and the many, many more all around the world. Whether you may be a politician, scientist, artist, activist, athlete, musician, or mother we want to commemorate and encourage the study, observance and celebration of the vital role of women in American history. With that, we would like you to enjoy our BER Women’s Month Spotify Playlist! Listen here: To commemorate Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the ATT team put together an interactive timeline that highlights the contributions and milestones of Women in Film, TV, and Sports. Please feel free to check it out here:
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