Helping artists take back the music business since 2014


    The Move

    Blue Élan finds a new home!

    Wilshire Blvd. Many may know it as one of the most popular streets in LA, but few know it as the sole street that separates the old Blue Élan vs. the new Blue Élan. Old vs. new, you ask?? We, at Blue Élan, have just completed a companywide move to The Oppenheimer Tower, a one-block jump across Wilshire Blvd. The new building provides twice the space and is home to not only Pasich LLP, but to our beautifully bright record label, Blue Élan Records. With offices of floor to ceiling windows outlining the stunning views of Westwood below, a soundproof, couch-ridden, cozy listening room for artists, project managers, and future clientele to listen in on newly developed projects. There are also quadrants of open-air desk space, making the office state-of-the-art and as inviting as ever. With plans to host the 2019 Blue Élan Christmas party here, we hope to showcase and utilize our accommodating new office space as frequently as possible. Thanks again to Kirk Pasich, for allowing all of us here to thrive in a cutting-edge, yet homey, spacious place to create, inspire, and most importantly, share music with the world.
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