Mustangs of the West release "A Little Undone"

    Mustangs of the West have released their third single off of Time, "A Little Undone"

    You can listen to "A Little Undone" right here: Here's what the band had to say: “A Little Undone” is one of those songs that people always ask for when we play live: the chorus is so singable and stays in your head. And the song talks about that very real moment in relationships when dissatisfaction first begins to set in—what once was solid starts to pull apart…just a little. From Suzanna: "I wrote this song with my friend and co-writer, John Reynolds, in his dining room in Nashville. We wanted to explore the feeling of recognizing that moment, and the way we all hold on tighter right before we let go. When Mustangs of the West recorded this song, our producer Mark Howard suggested a half time feel instead of the original country swing, and a reggae hi-hat pattern to create the push/pull reminiscent of the lyrics. The great groove that drummer Suzanne and bass player Holly created reminds me a bit of Led Zeppelin’s “Fool in the Rain,” and a little like Elvis Costello’s “Watching the Detectives”, especially the hi-hat. Sherry’s electric guitar and Aubrey’s fiddle play off of each other so well in the solo section, and the Hammond C3 (the church version of a B3!) with Leslie speaker gives it that cool retro vibe. I love singing this song—I always picture a nightclub in the 50s, all of us around a mic. Hope you all enjoy it as much as we do."
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